Our goal is to make quality radiology services accessible to you instantly regardless of where you are.
The creators of WWW.PERSPICIO.AI are a lean team of individuals with diverse skill sets from Programming, Sales, Management & Strategy working towards the common goal of improving the reach of quicker & better radiology services. It is this common goal that unites us and defines us as a team.
Even in this digital age, while India is the hub of information technology, it suffers from lack of access to healthcare. For a country of 1.3 Billion, we have very few diagnostic centers where Xrays, CT and MRIs can be done and an even fewer number of radiologists. Most centers and radiologists are located in cities or near one which means the majority of our country does not have access to a radiologist when required.
Here's the story of one such patient - Ram Singh, aged 60, is a local farmer from a remote village in India. It's Monday today & he is feeling unwell. The local doctor has advised him to get an X-ray. To obtain an X-ray, he should travel to the nearest town which has a diagnostic center. The diagnostic center takes his X-ray on a Monday.
The diagnostic center does not have a full-time radiologist. On the weekend someone from the center will travel 50 to 80 km along with the week's stack of X-rays and deliver it to a radiologist. Once reported the X-rays and reports make the same journey back. Now Ram Singh must go to the center to collect his report.
This story is more common that what you would imagine. A one week of wait for every such Ram Singh from every such village in India. While some can afford to wait, in case of some ailments every day lost is delayed diagnosis, delayed treatment and delayed recovery.
This situation needs a solution and PERSPICIO attempts to solve this problem of access. PERSPICIO wants the diagnostic centers in India to be able to deliver high-quality reports to their patients quickly. We wish to bring teleradiology to every center in India (where the diagnostic centers can upload their X-rays and get them reported online), thus reducing the time required to get a report from a week to a day and then from a day to a few hours.
We are a health-tech company and our objective is to provide timely and high-quality radiology reports to patients regardless of their location.
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